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Venue: BIFT, Queens Rd, Bangalore
Date: 24-01-2021
Time: 07:30 AM
Participants: 70


Minutes of the Meeting of Rifah Netoworking Meet – Bangalore Chapter conducted on 24-01-2021 Sunday at BIFT, Queens Rd, Bangalore. RCCI Banglore had organised a power packed network meeting for the benefit of community business owners. In this we had various business entrepreneurs, builders, traders, manuacturers, suppliers and service providers who joined us to get the benefits of this meet. Meeting started with the recitation of the Quran by Mr. Abu Hureira Arshad, presided by Akhtar Ali – President, Habib Ur Rahaman – Secretary, Talha Chowdhry – JT-Secretary, Council members along with Honourable guests Janab Yousuf Kunni sab, Chief Guest Janab Sheik Haroon Safdar Sab, Janab Firoz Sab and 65 visitors and members from different parts of bangalore. BR Talha started anchoring the meeting by a small intro of this meeting. Meeting started with brief introduction about Rifah Chamber of Commerce and Industry, about its vision, mission and core values. Followed by beautiful hadees by Janab Yousuf Kunni Sab in depth explaining the importance of tijarath (business). He advised us to follow the ethics and values of sahaba and our Prophet Janab Mohammed Rassolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Also, he narrated a couple of waqia of their times to get understanding of the way they did business in that period. Then there was a brief talk on Importance of Networking, Referrals, Due Diligence, Raoaster Sheet and Business among the community by Janab Syed Yousuf Sab. There was a brief speech of the Chief Guest Janab Sheik Haroon Safdar Sab and he gave us a positive feed back and praised this forum for conducting the meeting so professionally. Also, he pressurised every businees person to come forward and help the community in whatever way possible so that every person grows along with. Now there was an Appreciation Award given by the president to JB Safdar Sab and JB Yousuf Kunni Sab. There were suggestions from JT. Secretary Talha Choudhary on the importance of mebership joining, incubation centres for the business people / women entrepreneurs enrollment, businees conclave, business exhibitions in this tenure for and by the Rifah Chamber of Commerce and Industry in their interest to grow business. There was a discussion by Janab Misbah Sab for having a Roaster Sheet for this chapter which has all the members details so that every one can use it while pitching to their clients for refernce wherever required. Last but not the least, there was a firm decision taken to develop our community people irrespective of gender in various fields so that we get our people in every fields irrespectively Govt. Organisations or big corporates. Finally, Vote of Thanks was given by JB Habib Ur Rahaman Sab – Secretary showing gratitude towards all participants.He declared date of next Monthly Meeting would be 28-02-2021. Meeting was concluded by duaa by JB Yousuf Kunni Sab. followed by breakfast .

Below is the list of Rifah Chamber of Commerce Banglore Chapter Committee members along with their designation:

  1. Akhtar Ali    –  President
  2. Viquas Mahamood – Vice President
  3. Habib Ur Rahaman  –  Secretary
  4. Talha Choudhary – Joint Secretary
  5. Abdus Salaam –  Committee member
  6. Misbah –  Committee member
  7. Asadullah Baig –  Committee member
  8. Syed Yousuf –  Committee member
  9. Abdul Jaleel –  Committee member
  10. Salahuddin –  Committee member
  11. Abdullah Arshad –  Committee member
  12. Mohammed Arifullah –  Committee member

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